Call for Posters, 2019

The Center for Transportation Research would like to invite our graduate students and professional or faculty researchers to present a technical poster at the Center for Transportation Research’s Annual Symposium, which will be held Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in Austin, Texas.

This is a great opportunity to let professional transportation planners and engineers know about your current transportation research and how it could help at their agency, particularly at the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

  • Who: University of Texas at Austin faculty and professional researchers and graduate students who are working on Transportation Engineering or other research of interest to TxDOT.
  • What: In-progress or recently completed transportation research projects, conducted at the University of Texas at Austin, are presented to Symposium attendees.
  • When: CTR’s 2019 Symposium (April 10, 2019)
  • Where: West Pickle Research Building, 3925 W. Braker Lane, Austin, Texas
  • How: Complete the registration/application, with a summary (150 words or less) and a draft of the poster before March 25th.



The purpose of the Poster Session is to highlight transportation research conducted through the Center for Transportation Research at The University of Texas at Austin. CTR projects are given priority, though other UT Austin transportation engineering or planning projects may be allowed with approval from the CTR Tech Transfer Committee.

We welcome interactive elements. A table or other accommodations may be arranged upon approval of purpose.

Space is strictly limited for this popular event; please register to present a poster as soon as possible. The deadline for registration is March 25.  The deadline for turning in printed posters after announcement of acceptance is April 8, 2019.

In the event that poster submissions exceed our space limit (TBA), submissions will be ranked and selected by a jury of peer researchers led by our Deputy Director. We will make every effort to accommodate at least one project from each Research Supervisor. Announcements of acceptance will be made after the draft deadline. If you would like to provide additional information regarding the value of your research to TxDOT or have questions regarding the timeline for turning in posters, please email Deputy Director Mike Murphy at

Poster information will be included on Symposium press releases and printed materials prior to the event.

Posters must be on the current CTR Poster template, printed to a size of 36″ tall and maximum of 72″ wide to ensure uniformity. Posters used at the TRB Annual Meeting may be re-used for this event as long as they meet that guideline. Anybody creating a new poster or interested in revamping their TRB poster should see the Tips for Creating a Technical Poster page. These posters should be geared towards practitioners rather than academics.

sample poster template

Sample poster. 36″ tall x 72″ wide

  • Posters will be displayed in the WPR 1st floor lobby.
  • Posters will be set up for display by 8 AM on the morning of the Symposium.
  • Presenting time to be announced.

If an electronic file of a poster about TxDOT-sponsored research is previously approved by TxDOT project managers, it may also be submitted to the RTI Research Library to be included in the library’s catalog.

2018 Most Viewed Posters

In random order, the below posters received top scores by Symposium attendees:

poster on construction time

Estimating Construction Time of a Large Portfolio of Highway Projects During Planning Phases

noise barrier poster

First Transparent Noise Barrier in Texas: IH-30 in Dallas

virtual reality poster

Emerging Visualization Technologies: 360 Degree Media and Virtual Reality




Photo from 2016 Symposium poster session