Request for Travel Authorization (RTA)
- Please visit the requests system and use the travel authorization request button
- CTR staff and students must attach their supervisor’s approval to the request
- You can create a PDF of an email from your supervisor and attach it to the form when filling out the travel authorization request
- Please submit your requests at least 2 business days prior to travel
- Travel without an approved RTA prior to the travel date is not allowed by UT and cannot be reimbursed
- For TxDOT RTI projects’ out-of-state travel requests, be sure to fill out the RTI Out-of-State Travel Request for approval before booking your trip
- RTI requires minimum of 10 business days / 2 weeks for their approval process
- If you would like to direct bill or use a travel agent, please indicate that on your RTA request
- Other travel related information can be found online at Travel Management Services
Travel Reimbursement
- Please visit the requests system and use the reimbursement request button
- Receipts must be uploaded through the travel reimbursement request system within 30 days of return
- University policy requires that lodging must be paid individually. Even though the place (hotel, house) can be shared with more than one person, everyone must pay their portion
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