
D-STOP Presentation Portfolio Spring 2018

Here’s a handy way to get an overview of some of the current D-STOP projects: peruse the presentations provided at April’s Business Advisory Council meeting. These files provide project updates and describe center initiatives.

General D-STOP overview

General SAVES overview [SAVES (Situation-Aware Vehicular Engineering Systems) is a research center within UT’s Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG) that grew out of D-STOP’s efforts]

Steve Boyles’s presentation: Real-time Signal Control and Traffic Stability (read project description); Improved Models for Managed Lane Operations (read project description)

Caramanis Constantine’s presentation: Statistical Inference Using Stochastic Gradient Descent (read project description)

Robert Heath’s presentation: Advances in Millimeter Wave for V2X (read project description)

Todd Humphrey’s presentation: Collaborative Sensing for Automated Vehicles (read project description)

James Kuhr’s presentation: CAV/Mixed Transportation Modeling (read project description)

Natalia Ruiz Juri’s presentation: Sharing Novel Data Sources to Promote Innovation through Collaboration: Case Studies in Austin TX (read project description)

Sanjay Shakkottai’s presentation: text (read project description)

Posted by Maureen Kelly  |  Category : D-STOP