J.D. (Juris Doctor), L.L.M. (Master of Laws, International Commercial Law)
Quick Facts on Susanna Gallun
Ms. Gallun received a J.D. from The University of Texas at Austin, School of Law (2000), an L.L.M. in International Commercial Law from the University of Nottingham, UK (2000), and a B.A. in Plan II Liberal Arts Honors, Univ. of Texas at Austin (1994). She is a Licensed Attorney (Texas) since 2002.
As an Independent Transportation Consultant, her team won the Transportation Research Board’s 2019 John C. Vance Award for Best Legal Research (NCHRP 20-102, Impacts of Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles on State and Local Transportation Agencies). Ms. Gallun’s research focuses on the intersection of transportation law, legislation, regulations, policy, emerging technology , automated vehicles, land use, environmental policy, NEPA, environmental justice, and megaregions. Her research includes work for CM2: Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions, a USDOT sponsored Tier 1 University Transportation Center at the Univ. of Texas at Austin. She is a friend of the AJL40 TRB Standing Committee on Emerging Technology Law Committee and has taught a national CLE for the TRB Legal Workshop on Autonomous Vehicle Regulation. She has worked on various projects involving government entities, with legal analysis of local, state, federal, and international laws and regulations and policies impacting transportation while tracking legislation in real-time as part of her policy analysis. She has prepared official bill analyses for elected officials and worked in the Texas legislature. She teaches Continuing Legal Education (CLE) on Emerging Technology Law & Policy for groups, such as TRB, the Traffic Lawyers of Texas and The Univ. of Texas School of Law’s Journal of Law and Technology Symposium. Susanna speaks four languages and is an active member of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Heart of Texas Chapter, serving as its Communications: Social Media Contact.
Areas of Research
- Transportation law, policy, legislation and planning
- Emerging Technology Regulation, and Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Administrative and Regulatory Law, Regulatory Policy Development and Processes
- Environment, NEPA, Environmental Justice
- Megaregion Analysis, Land Use and Policy
Areas of Interest
Selected Publications and Projects
Trimble, T., Loftus-Otway, L, Gallun, S. Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems: Vol 1: Legal Landscape & Vol 2: State Legal and Regulatory Audit. NCHRP 253 Online Report, July 2018. TRB: Washington D.C. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/25296/implications-of-connected-and-automated-driving-systems-vol-1-legal-landscape
Gallun S., Ibanez, I., and Loftus-Otway, L. Synthesis: Develop Outdoor Advertising Control Reference Manual for TxDOT, (Legal Synthesis Review), Project 0-7085, September 2021 Report for TxDOT, TX, https://library.ctr.utexas.edu/Presto/project=7085 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ0yYTXku1c
Loftus-Otway, L., and Gallun, S. A Snapshot Literature Review on Advanced Driver Assistance System Technology Benefits. September 2020. Internal Report for TxDOT Strategic Planning Division.
Center for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin, Management, Operating Structure, Efficiencies, and Opportunities and Challenges of Transferring the Driver License Program, Final Report: August 27, 2020, https://library.ctr.utexas.edu/ctr-publications/iac/dps-dld-r1-2020.pdf
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