Research Fellow
Quick Facts on Darren Hazlett
- M.S.E., University of Texas at Austin, Civil Engineering / Transportation, 1990
- B.S., University of Texas at Austin, Chemical Engineering, 1980
- P.E., Registered Professional Engineer, Texas, 1985
Areas of Research
Darren Hazlett worked for the Texas Department of Transportation for 38 years, retiring in 2017.
During his tenure with the Department, Mr. Hazlett was involved in development of tests and specifications for asphalt materials, lime, epoxy adhesives, coarse aggregate for concrete, and geosynthetics. He conducted investigations dealing with polymer-modified asphalts, asphalt stripping and asphalt patching mixtures. He was responsible for TxDOT’s implementation of the Superpave Performance Graded Binder specification. He was additionally responsible for traffic materials, including signing materials and traffic markings from February 2000 to April 2005. From April 2005 to February 2012, as the Assistant Director for the Materials and Pavements Section of the Construction Division, he was responsible for all laboratory operations at TxDOT’s central laboratory. From February 2012 to August 2017, he has served as the Deputy Director of the Construction Division. This included oversight of the central lab, the statewide construction and maintenance contract lettings, specifications, and Construction Division field engineering staff.
He was a TxDOT research project panel member for contract research in the areas of asphalt binders, seal coats, geosynthetics, alternative soil stabilizers, traffic markers, and highway signing. He has also served on NCHRP research panels in the area of Superpave binders, quality assurance programs, asphalt binder chemistry, and asphalt binder aging.
Mr. Hazlett was a member of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials, and ASTM Committee D.04 on Road and Paving Materials. He is a member of subcommittees dealing with asphalt binders, asphalt emulsions, sign sheeting and pavement markings. He is also a friend of the TRB/FHWA Superpave Binder Expert Task Group and the Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group-Emulsion Task Force. He is the chairman of TRB AFK20, Characteristics of Asphalt Binders.
Mr. Hazlett participated in the selection process for two Comprehensive Development Agreements and was part of the team that developed TxDOT’s “Quality Assurance Program for Design-Build Projects with an Optional 15-Year Capital Maintenance Agreement.”