CE 391C — Analysis and Design of Transportation Systems I
Introduction to the conceptual, methodological, and mathematical foundations of analysis and design of transportation services; review of probabilistic modeling; application of discrete choice models to demand analysis. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391D — Analysis and Design of Transportation Systems II
Operations research techniques for modeling system performance and design of transportation services; routing and scheduling problems, network equilibration, and spatially distributed queueing systems. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391E — Advances in Transportation Demand Analysis
Developments in the econometric and behavioral aspects of demand analysis and forecasting; supply-demand integration; dynamic models. Applications to passenger and freight transportation and other infrastructure services. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 391F — Advanced Theory of Traffic Flow
Relations among traffic variables; distribution functions; single lane and multilane traffic flow; characterization of traffic in cities; kinematic waves; yellow signal dilemma; merging; fuel consumption; emissions; and special topics. Emphasis on interplay among theory, experimentation, and observation. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391H — Urban Transportation Planning
Interrelationship of transportation and the urban environment; methodologies for planning multimodal transportation systems and developing feasible alternatives; emphasis on developing insight into the transportation problem and the planning process rather than on solving specific problems of limited scope. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 391J — Transportation Planning: Methodology and Techniques
Analysis of a wide range of planning studies to establish the logic and foundation for the transportation planning process. Emphasis on techniques of estimation and forecasting population, economic activity, land use, and mobility patterns; determination of goals and objectives; decision making; economic analysis; and alternative evaluation Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 391L — Advanced Traffic Engineering
Characterization and analysis of arterial street traffic operations using theoretical and experimental techniques, especially computer simulation. Introduction to the most current analysis and optimization tools for control device design and implementation. Three lecture hours and three hours of supervised work a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391M — Advanced Geometric Design
Geometric design of highways and guideways, including topics on alignment, operations and safety, intersection, roadside and interchange design, and pedestrian and bikeway design. Three lecture hours and one hour of supervised lab work a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391N — Engineering Systems Evaluation and Decision Making
Advanced methods for selection of transportation and other infrastructure systems in the presence of multiple criteria, multiple decision makers, and uncertainty. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
CE 391P — Highway and Airport Pavement Systems
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391P — (1) Theory and Behavior of Pavements
Theories of pavement behavior and concepts of pavement design.
CE 391P — (2) Design and Performance of Pavements
Pavement performance evaluation and the application of theory to the design of pavements.
CE 391P — (3) Pavement Management Systems
Defines the interrelationships among all aspects of pavement technology. Application of computer-based management methodology.
CE 391Q — Bituminous Materials
Design and use of asphalt mixtures; chemical, physical, and rheological properties of asphalt; and practical application in highways, airports and other construction. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391R — Airport Design and Operation
Aircraft characteristics, site selection, airport configuration, capacity, terminal design, traffic control, and interfacing with other transportation modes. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391T — Contemporary Transportation Issues
Consideration, analysis, and evaluation of recent transportation-related innovations and developments. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 391W –Transportation Systems Operations and Control
Concepts and advanced methods for the design of control strategies for transportation systems operations, including highway traffic systems (signalized street networks and freeways), transit systems, and private carrier, operations, including airlines. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 392C — Transportation Network Analysis
Transportation network analysis focusing on planning and optimization using static traffic assignment models. Subjects include deterministic and stochastic equilibrium, traditional and modern solution methods, shortest path algorithms, combined models, and basic nonlinear programming skills. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392D — Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Theory and practice of dynamic traffic assignment as an evolving field. Subjects include basic flow models (point queues, cell transmission model, and link transmission model), time-dependent shortest path algorithms, equilibrium algorithms (convex combinations, simplicial decomposition, and gradient methods), and case studies from practice. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392E — Acquisition and Analysis of Transportation Data
Methods and technologies for the acquisition and analysis of data on various aspects of transportation systems, including properties of different data sources and types; stated versus revealed preferences; traffic sensing; survey design; sampling strategies; probabilistic methods of data analysis; overview of statistical methods and various regression models, including random-utility, ordered-choice, simultaneous-equations, time-series, and spatial econometric models. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392M — Public Transportation Engineering
Introduction to public transportation systems, including demand forecasting, operations, and design. Includes statistical methods, driver and vehicle scheduling, algorithms, and survey sampling techniques. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392N — Topics in Infrastructure Systems
Management principles, modeling techniques, computer applications, and emerging technologies for the analysis, engineering, and management of infrastructure systems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
CE 392N — (1) Infrastructure Systems Management
Concepts, principles, theories, and models for infrastructure management, with emphasis on civil infrastructure systems. Only one of the following may be counted: Civil Engineering 391V, 392N (Topic 1), 397 (Topic 5: Infrastructure Management Systems).
CE 392N — (2) Reliability and Maintainability of Infrastructure Systems
Theory of reliability, maintainability, and availability and its application for the analysis of infrastructure systems. Civil Engineering 392N (Topic 2) and 397 (Topic: Reliability and Maintainability of Infrastructure Systems) may not both be counted.
CE 392N — (3) Intelligent Infrastructure Systems
Concepts, frameworks, and models of intelligent infrastructure systems, with emphasis on the application of emerging technologies and advanced modeling techniques. Civil Engineering 392N (Topic 3) and 397 (Topic 37: Intelligent Infrastructure Systems) may not both be counted.
CE 392P — Sustainable Pavement Engineering
Pavement design; back calculation; use of locally available materials for pavement construction; recycled asphalt pavements and shingles; warm mix and cold mix asphalt; industrial by-products and waste incorporated in pavement materials; emerging technologies for sustainable pavement design and pavement management. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Civil Engineering 392P and 397 (Topic: Sustainable Pavement Engineering) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 366K, 367P, 391P (Topic 2: Design and Performance of Pavements), 391Q, or consent of instructor.
CE 392R — Discrete Choice theory and Modeling
Methods and statistics of model estimation, with emphasis on maximum-likelihood; individual choice theory; binary choice models; unordered multinomial and multidimensional choice models; sampling theory and sample design; ordered models, and aggregate prediction with choice models; introduction to advanced concepts, such as unobserved population heterogeneity, joint slated preference and revealed preference modeling, and longitudinal choice analysis. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 391J or consent of instructor.
CE 392S — Intermodal Transportation Systems
Strategic planning of intermodal transportation systems (infrastructure and rolling stock); how strategic planning pertains to freight transportation. Freight logistics, intermodal technology, and intermodal terminal operations. Intermodal freight transportation policy, planning, and operations systems and programs. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392T — Transport Economics
Application of economic theory and principles to transportation systems analysis and evaluation. Topics include individual travel demand decisions, optimal private and public transport supply (including pricing strategies), location choice and land valuation, transport-market imperfections , and welfare-based transport policy. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392U — Transportation Systems Management
Evolving concepts of transportation agency organization, management, and delivery of transportation programs, products, and services. Separation versus integration of transport policy-making and service delivery functions; emerging models for delivering programs and services, such as outsourcing, privatization, and state-owned enterprises; review of national and international experiences with innovative approaches and the benefits and costs associated with change. Prerequisite: Graduate standing
CE 392V — Methods to Characterize Bituminous Materials
Introduction to the design and performance prediction of asphalt mixtures. Experimental and computational methods used to characterize the chemical and mechanical properties and performance of bituminous materials at several different length scales. Includes computational models. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Civil Engineering 392V and 397 (Topic: Characterization of Bituminous Materials) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and Civil Engineering 366K, 391Q, or consent of instructor.
CE 397 — Special Studies in Civil Engineering
May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. With consent of instructor, any topic may be repeated for credit. Some topics may be offered on the credit/no credit basis only; these are identified in the Course Schedule. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Additional prerequisites vary with the topic and are given in the Course Schedule.
CE 397 — Topic 4: Freight Transportation
Topics include review of transport systems analysis; shipper objectives; demand and supply modeling; freight flow data; network analysis; truck size and weight policies; finance.
CE 397 — Topic 6: Traffic Science Seminar
Topics range from fundamentals of vehicular traffic science to relevant methodologies in physics, applied mathematics, and operational science.
CE 397 — Topic 20: Computer Methods for Civil Engineers
Essential methods for computer-aided problem solving in transportation and other civil engineering areas. Topics may include computer operating systems concepts; the Internet and World Wide Web site design; advanced programming with C programming language; data structures; file manipulation and management; Monte Carlo simulation techniques; interfacing with spreadsheets, SQL databases, and computer-aided design packages; introduction to Geographic Information Systems. Team programming is emphasized.
CE 397 — Topic 22: Intelligent Transportation Systems Seminar
Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) concepts, evolution, and current initiatives. Program evolution from Mobility 2000, through IVHS and strategic planning activities by the Department of Transportation and ITS America, to current operational tests and deployment projects.
For a complete description of graduate transportation courses, as well as a list of approved undergraduate and supporting courses, go to the website.
For more information on the graduate program in Transportation, including how and when to apply, click here.
For more information regarding admission, feel free to contact:
Dr. Chandra Bhat
Graduate Recruiter, Transportation Engineering
(512) 471-4535
Ms. Lisa Macias
Staff Graduate Coordinator
(512) 232-6272