Research Digest, February 2022: University Transportation Center Research
The February 2022 issue of the Research Digest is now available for download from the CTR Library’s website.
This month’s digest provides abstracts for 17 recent publications from various universities across Texas that participate in University Transportation Centers (UTCs). UTCs “conduct research that directly supports the priorities of the U.S. Department (DOT) to promote the safe, efficient and environmentally sound movement of good and people. UTCs work with regional, state, local, and tribal transportation agencies to help find solutions to challenges that directly impact their communities and affect the efficiency of the nation’s transportation system.” More information about UTCs and lists of participating Texas universities can be found here:
The research projects represented here cover a wide range of topics. This issue includes reports on smarts sensors to reduce pollutant emissions, guidelines for implementation of contraflow left-turn lanes at signalized intersections, coordination within a megaregion for freight planning, the enhancement of traffic flow and driving safety via artificial intelligence, and data fusion for nonmotorized safety analysis. Links to full-text PDFs for each publication are provided in the digest.
To stay up-to-date on all the latest research published through different transportation programs, you can visit the library’s online catalog. We provide links to online full-text of reports in our catalog when publishers make that content available for free.
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