
Research Digest, June 2019: Federal Government Publications

CTR Library’s June 2019 issue of the Research Digest is now available for download.

This month’s digest provides abstracts for 19 publications recently made available online from entities such as the Federal Highway Administration. Abstracts and full-text links are provided for each report or product.

The publications represented here cover a wide range of topics including: highway and transportation statistics; integrating shared mobility into multimodal transportation planning; back-casting breakthrough research in the transportation sector (electronic toll collection in Texas is part of the report’s case studies); and assessing risk factors associated with the causes of motorcycle crashes.

To stay up-to-date on all the latest research published through different transportation programs, visit the library’s catalog portal to browse new publications. If you would like to receive automated email alerts about specific types of publications or topics as soon as they arrive, please set up your free catalog account and build your own email alert as described in the video tutorial here.

When publishers make their reports available online for free, CTR Library provides links to the online full-text in our catalog.

Posted by Michael Nugent  |  Category : CTR Library