Recent Publications
Beduhn, T., A. Khani, S. Boyles, 2015, Reliable Routing in a Schedule-Based Transit Network, 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Jan. 2015, Washington DC.
Jafari, E., M.D. Gemar, N. Ruiz-Juri, J. Duthie, 2015, An Investigation of Centroid Connector Placement for Advanced Traffic Assignment Models With Added Network Detail, 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Jan. 2015, Washington DC.
Khani, A., E. Jafari, J. Archer, T. Beduhn, 2015, The Impact of Network Accessibility on Schedule-based Transit Assignment, Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Jan. 2015, Washington DC.
Levin, M., E. Jafari, S.D. Boyles, 2015, Network-Based Model for Predicting Transit Elasticity with Fuel Price. 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Jan. 2015, Washington DC.
Perrine, K. A., A. Khani, and N. Ruiz-Juri, 2015, A Map-matching Algorithm for Applications in Multimodal Transportation Network Modeling, 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Jan. 2015, Washington DC.
Rambha, T., S.D. Boyles, 2015, Applications of Dynamic Pricing in Day-to-Day Equilibrium Models, 94th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Jan. 2015, Washington DC.
Gupta, A., W. Xu, K. A. Perrine, D. Bell, and N. Ruiz-Juri, 2014, On Scaling Time Dependent Shortest Path Computaions for Dynamic Traffic Assignment, IEEE Big Data, Oct. 2014, Washington DC.
Khani, A., M. Hickman,, 2014, Incorporating Network Reliability in a Schedule-based Transit Assignment Model, 5th International Symposium in Dynamic Traffic Assignment, June 2014, Salerno, Italy.
Khani, A., T. Beduhn, J. Duthie, S. Boyles, E. Jafari, 2014, A Transit Route Choice Model for Application in Dynamic Transit Assignment, TRB Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, May 2014, Baltimore MD.
Duthie J., and A. Unnikrishnan, 2014, Optimization Framework for Bicycle Network Design, Journal of Transportation Engineering.
Levin, M., M. Pool, N. Ruiz-Juri, S.T. Waller, 2014, Improving the Convergence of Simulation-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment Methodologies, Networks and Spatial Economics.
Levin, M., S.D. Boyles, N. Nezamuddin, 2014, A Comparison of Static Warm-starting Variations for Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Transportmetrica B.
Gemar, M.D., J.W. Bringardner, S.D. Boyles, and R.B. Machemehl, 2014, Subnetwork Analysis for Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models: A Strategy for Estimating Demand at Subnetwork Boundaries, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, In Press.
Melson, C.L., J.C. Duthie, S.D. Boyles, 2013, Influence of Bridge Facility Attributes on Bicycle Travel Behavior, ITE Journal.
Loskorn, J., A.F. Mills, J.F. Brady, J.C. Duthie, R.B. Machemehl, 2013, Effects of Bicycle Boxes on Bicyclist and Motorist Behavior at Intersections in Austin, Texas, Journal of Transportation Engineering.
Perrine, K. A., Y. Lao, and Y. Wang, 2013, Area-wide Ramp Metering for Targeted Incidents: the Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease Method, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
Fan, W., M.D. Gemar, and R.B. Machemehl, 2013, Equipment Replacement Decision Making: Opportunities and Challenges, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum.
Fan, W., R. Machemehl, and M. Gemar, 2012, Optimization of Equipment Replacement: Dynamic Programming-Based Optimization, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, #2292.